Left තවත් දෑ මිලදී ගන්න
ඔබේ ඇණවුම

ඔබේ කරත්තයේ අයිතම කිසිවක් නැත

ඔබ කැමති විය හැක
Dhs. 10.00
ගැලට එක් කරන්න

Shall We Cactus


An art collaborative working exclusively with Sri Lankan designers.

Shall We Cactus brings together the best in local talent to showcase beautiful designs in the form of travel art, catered towards the local and tourist markets.

We have an active reseller network throughout Sri Lanka and beyond. Artists are paid royalties on all sales.

Ceylon Supermart has the joy of bringing the Sri Lankan talent to the global market with Shall We Cactus.

Shall We Cactus